Sunday, March 1, 2009

lemongrass tea

I'm back here in Australia, missing Bali just a little. Just a couple of more weeks and I will be back in the village.
So I've been out to the garden and cut myself a piece of lemongrass and brewed up a glass of lemongrass tea. It's like a little taste of Bali. Thought I would share the recipe from our cookbook:


1 stalk of fresh lemon grass
1 lime or lemon
pinch fresh ground cinnamon
1 tea bag
boiling water
sugar as required

Cut end off lemon grass and remove outer dry leaves.

Gently bruise the lemongrass with the back of a knife or a small mallet to release the flavours

Tie in knot and place in glass with cinnamon and sugar if needed

Pour in boiling water

Add tea bag. Remove after tea turns golden brown. Not too strong or else it will overpower the lemongrass

Stir in a squeeze of lime. Serve with a couple of stalks of lemongrass instead of a spoon for stirring.

For our Chai Tea add some fresh ginger, cinnamon and cloves.

Lemongrass is really easy to grow. If you can't find a plant in your nursery, just buy a piece from your grocery store. Put it into water for a week or so until roots start to grow. Plant in your garden and you will soon have your very own supply of fresh lemongrass. In my opinion, fresh lemongrass tea wins hands down everytime over a dried tea leaf that is infused with lemongrass. Delicious!

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