Sunday, March 22, 2009

favourite recipes from Boot Camp - peanut sambal

PEANUT SAMBAL - the most delicious peanut sauce that is used for sate, mixing with green vegetables or just for dipping with rice crackers. There are two parts to the recipe, start with preparing the fried sambal (sambal goreng).

fried sambal
5 small onions finely sliced
4 garlic sections finely sliced
3 small chillies finely sliced
pinch salt
cooking oil

toss onions, garlic and chilli in pre heated oil in a wok over a high flame until golden brown
add pinch salt during cooking
remove from wok, drain excess oil and put aside to cool

peanut mix
1 cup fresh, unsalted peanuts
1 teaspoon palm sugar (may be substituted with brown sugar)
pinch salt
½ tiny lime
cooking oil

toss peanuts in pre heated oil in a wok over a high flame for 2-3 minutes
remove and drain excess oil
crush cooked peanuts using mortar and pestle until a dry paste
add cooled sambal to mortar and continue crushing with pestle
gradually add 1-2 tablespoons cold water to make textured, creamy consistency
add palm sugar and pinch of salt and continue grinding
finally add squeeze tiny lime and mix in
(nb: if using blender instead of mortar and pestle do not overblend to a smooth paste. A slightly crunchy texture is much nicer)

GREEN BEANS WITH PEANUT SAMBAL (sayur pelecing) a simple but tasty dish that spices up green leafy vegetables. We usually use beans and/or jungle fern (paku), but a variety of green vegetables may be used. Try spinach or snow peas. The peanut sambal is found in the previous sambal section.

30 or so green string beans
small bunch jungle fern (or other green vegetable)
1 cup peanut sambal

wash and trim greens
cut into bite size pieces
blanch the greens in boiling water, drain
gradually mix through peanut sambal by hand – enough to coat the greens

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