Sunday, March 1, 2009

getting ready for Boot Camp 2009

Just two weeks until our Boot Camps for 2009 start up. We have a full group for March 15 and we are all very excited to get going again after the wet season.

But it hasn't been without some last minute "excitement". Whilst feeling the despair of our bushfire and flood victims here in Australia, Mother Nature was lashing out in Bali recently.

One week we were hit with horrendous rain, of an intensity way beyond the normal wet season deluges. Damage to our bungalows and our drainage systems. Wayan and a team of 12 men worked in the rain for a week repairing the mess.

Wayan rested for what seemed like just a minute, and then wham, we were hit by cyclone Freddy. Freddy was mean. Wayan called me back here in Australia to let me know that most of our grass roofs had "flown across the valley" and trees were down everywhere. Wayan was cutting down dangerous trees when it was safe.

It wasn't just us. Around 20 houses in the village had awful damage. In fact Freddy blew a destructive path all the way up to North Bali.

So another week later, and Wayan has worked with a team of 15 men to clean up Freddy's mess. The roofs have been replaced and have had a ceremonial blessing. We are back on track and ready for our Boot Campers, but not without some heartache.

But whilst the damage was devestating, we are grateful that no one was hurt during the storms. Nothing else matters.

So, Boot Campers we are ready!

1 comment:

  1. Karen, great blogs I wish I was already there with my body4u crew.
    Looking forward to meeting Wayan and all your locals.
    Good to hear nobody was hurt in your storms, I would be happy to help out with any extra work required when we get there - it would be great training!
