Sunday, March 22, 2009

the breakfast favourite - banana pancake

Wayan has always served fresh fruit and banana pancakes for our guests for breakfast as the Balinese tend to eat a variety of rice puddings (burbur) for breakfast, which is not for everyone.

1 banana
1 egg
juice of ½ lemon
2 spoons rice flour
¼ cup milk
pinch cinnamon
1-2 drops vanilla essence
1 lime
grated coconut and palm sugar for garnish
butter for cooking

Combine egg, lemon juice, cinnamon, vanilla, and salt in a dish. Mix with a fork.
Gradually add milk until a smooth, pouring consistency is achieved.
Fold in flour. Add more milk if necessary. (we prefer a thin mix)

Peel banana. Cut in half lengthwise and place in boiling water for 1-2 mins until slightly soft.
Remove from water.

Melt a touch of butter to grease a small shallow frypan.
Pour in a thin layer of pancake mixture.
Cook until golden brown. Just before ready, place banana in centre of pancake and wrap edges over. Cook for a further 30 seconds.
Place on plate and garnish with grated coconut and palm sugar. Serve with a piece of lime.


  1. Is this really two spoons of rice flour?? Or is that supposed to read 12? Sorry, I'm unsure if this recipe is for each pancake (then one egg for each pancake??)
    Any clarification would be appreciated! I'm trying to replicate my Bali Rice flour and coconut and Banana pancakes!
    Thanks in advance!

  2. Hi It's 2 spoons, there is enough mix to make approx 4 pancakes, depending on how thin the mix is. It is one banana per pancake. Let me know if you have success!

  3. Tried your receipe but it didn't work. Would be nice if you give us a little more specific. Re: table spoon or tea spoon etc. Anyway thanks for trying to share your receipe anyway. regards.
