Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Just had a lovely email from one of our wonderful guests. We are so lucky... we always have great guests! It makes it all the more worthwhile when people share their thanks.

Hi Karen,
I feel so bad that I haven't emailed before now!!
I meant to send you a note just to say thankyou so much to everyone there for looking after me so well during my stay in July. It was the most peaceful and relaxing week I think I've ever had and everyone made me feel so welcome and so looked after!
Ayung Sari really is like a little piece of heaven on earth and I will be trying to make it an annual excursion I think for a bit of relaxation and peace!
Please pass on my sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone, especially Gusti and little Putu who is just gorgeous... she helped me get through the week without my little girl, but I definitely will have to bring my daughter next time and they can hang out together... they would have such a good time!
Thanks again!
Best regards,


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