Monday, September 6, 2010

Pak Gading is one of our most favourite visitors

A famous healer and masseuse, he has had no formal training as we know it. His knowledge was passed down from his grandfather. At around 75 years of age, he may have no teeth, but he is lean, with strong, muscular arms that would be the envy of any 20 year old.

Local Balinese see him for all manner of injuries from torn muscles to broken bones. He has healed many an injury for Wayan and myself and is always kind enough to come to our place to work his magic.

For some, he becomes the daily addiction….. “can I book Pak Gading just one more time before I leave?”

He is most popular after the volcano climb. The day starts at 3.15am to get to the top by sunrise. On the drive home everyone is usually happily tired, but there are quite a few tight muscles that could do with some work. One day as we drove down the driveway we could see Pak Gading sitting by the water, looking out over the rice paddies. A sleepy voice from the back of the car spoke for everyone - “what a vision.”

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