Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Just had a lovely email from one of our wonderful guests. We are so lucky... we always have great guests! It makes it all the more worthwhile when people share their thanks.

Hi Karen,
I feel so bad that I haven't emailed before now!!
I meant to send you a note just to say thankyou so much to everyone there for looking after me so well during my stay in July. It was the most peaceful and relaxing week I think I've ever had and everyone made me feel so welcome and so looked after!
Ayung Sari really is like a little piece of heaven on earth and I will be trying to make it an annual excursion I think for a bit of relaxation and peace!
Please pass on my sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone, especially Gusti and little Putu who is just gorgeous... she helped me get through the week without my little girl, but I definitely will have to bring my daughter next time and they can hang out together... they would have such a good time!
Thanks again!
Best regards,


Monday, September 6, 2010

the coconut wireless!

I have been very slack on the Blog scene for a while now. But I'm back and will post the news from the Coconut Wireless as it comes to hand.

Gusti is still creating magic in the kitchen, and Dewi, Ngurah, Gede, Kabal and Agung are all looking after our guests. Putu, who as we all know is queen of Ayung Sari Indah, will soon turn 5 and continues to run circles around all of us.

We have had some great guests from all around the world and look forward to many more. If you would like to keep up with our news more regularly sign up to the Sharing Bali Facebook page for updates.

See you in Bali!

Karen and Wayan

"Awaken In Bali"

We take lots of great photos on our retreats and I have many favourites, but these two are top of the list at the moment. I love nothing more than going on the Volcano Climb every chance I get. It truly is a moment that you are "awakened". And you can't beat an banana leaf for an umbrella. Balinese ingenuity!

These two pics are from Marni Alexander's "Awaken In Bali" retreats.
The next one is on Oct 31. Email me on info@sharingbali.com if you are up for it.

"Selamat Makan" cook book at last!

At long last, I’ve got around to printing the cookbook. Many thanks to those who have kept sending me polite reminders to get it happening! It will be done by October. $25 (including postage within Australia) and it’s yours. Send me an email for details. info@sharingbali.com

There's a few recipes on the blog to keep you going. They are all tagged "recipes". Let me know if you have any requests.

Cremation Ceremony

Wayan has been busy in his family village with a cremation. It’s an important ceremony in Balinese culture and it takes weeks of preparation. There are 34 people being cremated so there are numerous offerings and cremation towers to be made. Today is the last day. The ashes are gathered and placed inside a coconut before being sent out to sea on a small, but beautiful bamboo raft to the next life with everyone's blessings.

new sculptures in the garden

Our gardens are ever-changing and Wayan has a new sculpture project in work alongside the irrigation channel. I think there will be about 15 of these statues by the time he's done.

No trip to the river is complete without a fresh coconut drink along the way. A perfect refresher in the midst of the new jungle walk.

Pak Gading is one of our most favourite visitors

A famous healer and masseuse, he has had no formal training as we know it. His knowledge was passed down from his grandfather. At around 75 years of age, he may have no teeth, but he is lean, with strong, muscular arms that would be the envy of any 20 year old.

Local Balinese see him for all manner of injuries from torn muscles to broken bones. He has healed many an injury for Wayan and myself and is always kind enough to come to our place to work his magic.

For some, he becomes the daily addiction….. “can I book Pak Gading just one more time before I leave?”

He is most popular after the volcano climb. The day starts at 3.15am to get to the top by sunrise. On the drive home everyone is usually happily tired, but there are quite a few tight muscles that could do with some work. One day as we drove down the driveway we could see Pak Gading sitting by the water, looking out over the rice paddies. A sleepy voice from the back of the car spoke for everyone - “what a vision.”

Mt. Batur Volcano Climb

As much as we like to keep an element of surprise to this trip, we do get a lot of “how far, how high” questions. So here you go, this is what you’re up for on the climb and it’s worth the effort!